Friday, July 21, 2017

The In-Out Of Leadership; The Feminine Perspectives On Health Issues

The female gender has always been the most 'endangered species', so important to life itself, yet so much neglected by the same society. Our government's programs and prospects don't seem to include them. The amazing thing is that we always use the expression: "inclusive governance" but do we really practice that?

I have lived my life honoring, respecting, considering and deeply held in high esteem the female gender. A precious and highly valued gift of the Almighty Creator. Let's talk about their health and health-related conditions. My concern had driven me to explore some deepest areas of their lives and existence. Today I'd like to address this issue of a common interest yet serious and destructive to this unique sets of human beings.

The Yeast Infection

Women, Candida is something you quite often suffer from especially when your outfit is not given a due attention. For example, if you wear tight fitted trousers, or prone to taking too much sugary or carbonated substances.

This is an infection of the vaginas that can itch very badly and can leave one very sore and bruised. Sometimes with serious 'a pungent' like odors. I once treated a neighbor when the husband observed my dealings on supplements, which is somewhat an alternative medicine or something. She had tried different pharmaceutical remedies e.g. Canesteen cream and even a stronger cream with steroids, but the condition persisted; 'Candida' was not having it! This was going on for over a two months or so and increasingly becoming very embarrassing. I told the husband to give me sometimes, all went well. Now, we have gotten the simplest solutions to the most complicated issues, you have to trust me on this.

The Use Vinegar

Straight to the point; use apple cider vinegar to wash regularly. The woman did but it was quite harsh and stunk on the lacerated skin badly. So we recommended dilution. Pay attention to your skin sensitivity, because it varies from one person to another.

The Use of Coconut Oil

The final solutions; My neighbor later confirmed that the immediate application of the coconut oil with a very clean cotton wool (for hygiene). And the Result!? She had instant relief. It actually works like magic.


The woman came to tell me how she slept peacefully without any itching and within few days the ungodly stranger - candida was gone! Please pay attention to this; if we have Healthy women, healthy homes, healthy society, future Assured. In most cases we tend to neglect the little things, we pay less and less attention to our health issues; what we hardly think of and take for granted are the very things that can save us from all other forms governmental challenges; giving us a proper sense of excellent leadership. Finally, I deeply appreciate your time and concern in helping us reach out to the rest part of the world. 

Because we care!
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1 comment:

  1. Surely women should be given a chance of a life time to reposition even the political sector and create room for reformation in governance.


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