Monday, June 25, 2018

The Land Of Peace That Once Was

Let the world hear it and come to our rescue, while we resort to self-defense if they will allow and haul us. We all have the right to live; no one should take that away from us; no.

They came; they saw; they admired. Begged for a place to stay, their tents they pitched; supports and assistance were offered them peacefully. Guided and tutored to understand the land; we did. They accepted gladly.

A lass!
They came with daggers,
They appeared good and loyal,
They came with swords,
They appeared kind,
They came with hidden guns,
They appeared God- loving,
They came with division;
They showed us how 'righteous' they were,
They came with an agenda;
They appeared angelic,
They came with rebellion;
They appeared patriotic,
They came with sharp knives;

Hmm! What a reward of kindness, they paid back to us!
They saw, they took over.
They enjoyed, they made us endure.
They learned the terrain, they claimed it.
They were the minority, they now called us the minority.
They got richer, they turned us poor.
They had children, they used them against us.
They acquired cars, they used it to use our children.
They had their children, they killed ours.
They had animal heart, they showed us human faces.
They pulled down our buildings, they raised their alters.
They gave us wars, instead of appreciation.
They traveled out with our money, they secured arms against us.

Oh, That We Had A Government!
We cried to the authority, they said; 'keep quiet'.
We shouted the more, they said; 'you complain too much'.
We narrated our ordeals, they said; 'you don't have patience.
We stood; called on government's attention, they said we're the nuisance.
We make moves for defence without offence, they said we took the law into our hands.

Our Lands Was Once Peaceful!
We were a centre of attraction; hence their visit.
We commanded attention, hence their patronage.
We offered love, hence their hatred.
We gave accommodation, hence their occupation.
We gave transparency, hence their hypocrisy.
We dished out kindness, hence chaoticness.
We leased out, hence their liaison with the enemy.

What Should We Have Done!
They loved the North, we stocked to the south, fight!
They took our girls to wife, we move they gave us knife!
They stole our positions in offices, still, they offend us!
They confiscated our lands, and conferred on us, the title 'Minority'!
They called us brooders, we said they're our brothers!
They called for rebellion, we wanted a relationship!
They spoke evil against, we said equality!
They filled our soils with blood, while we took their blows!

What Were We Supposed To Do!
We prayed to God, they took our goods.
We gather ourselves together, they scatter around to gather.
We hoped for peace one day, they desired our pieces.
We saw them and greeted, they respond with creed desperation.
We separate for calmness, they infiltrate for wickedness.
We shifted aside, they cornered us a stone.
We got tired, while they fired at us.

Who Should Save Us!
The Armed forces forced us to vulnerability!
The politicians played tricks on us!
The Media mediated for the enemy!
The Communication experts spoke to our doom!
The Security secured the wicked safe!
The Lawmakers advocates for the guilty!
The Legislators, legistoat our resources.
The National Assembly assassinates the polity!
The government disarmed us, to arm the violent!

Oh That My Eyes We're Fountain of Tears! I'd weep for the plight of the 'minority' who had no mediator! I'd cry bitterly over:
The losses
Our anguish
Our sorrows
Our ordeals over the systematic extermination and the ethnic cleansing in our very own Motherland; all these happenings in:
  1. Plateau (Berom, Magabul, Ngas, etc. South).
  2. Bauchi (Sayawas, South).
  3. Kaduna, (South).
  4. Gombe, (South).
  5. Adamawa, (South).
  6. Benue,
  7. Taraba,
  8. Yobe,
  9. Borno,
  10. Nasarawa,  etc.

From The Creeks of:
  • Mai Tashine,
  • Boko Haram,
  • Killer Herdsmen, etc

Within 24hours the killer-herdsmen and the barbaric/inhumane act is still ongoing; they claim more lives than plague! Let the world hear it and come to our rescue, while we resort to self-defense if they will allow and haul us. We all have the right to live; no one should take that away from us; no.

The Savior has saved us and we're saved, so we wish to remain thus! The lies are enough. The heavens will answer. We shall receive an answer of the PEACE again from The Almighty Creator of all!

Dr. B L Dickson,

Human Development Consultant.