Friday, February 3, 2017

Brief Welcome Message

Hello and thank you for this great relationship that has been set in motion, I believe that only time can tell the outcome thereof! Elohim, the Creator has blessed us with the ability and capacity to 'create' and maintain relationships, this is something that we highly treasure.

We value you so much and highly respect this relationship. We're at your service as per our areas of specialties are concern. We truly cherish this connection;  am so excited!

Now, @ the Dickson Leadership Training Institute International, DLTI INT'L: "WE believe that leadership in the twenty-first century is about Human Per Capita Development; others build structures, but we 'Invest' in people".

  1. We run a rehabilitation centre,
  2. A leadership training institute,
  3. Foreign Language learning Centre,
  4. Skill Acquisition centres.
  5. Public Preaching/exposition into the mysteries of Creation,
  6. Am an  author of more than 30 books and still counting,
  7. Motivational/Conference speaker,
  8. We plan programs and projects for the retirees and the pre-retirees,

What Kind of leadership?
  1. We offer the following:
  2. Grassroot transformational and transitional.
  3. We pioneer projects and programs for other companies and organizations.
  4. National Formation and True governance.
  5. Inclusive Leadership and family literacy.
  6. We also Train the Trainers!

Hope I've said a little!?

"Principles are meant to break you for good, don't ever try to break them" - B. L. Dickson, 2014

Thank you so very much once again for the connect!
B. L. Dickson

1 comment:

  1. We are much interested in connecting with relevant bodies, organizations, government agencies whose vision and passion are geared towards sound academic excellence and good leadership background that will serve as a hope for the future of this country, and the generation to come can be assured.

    We trust in the Almighty Creator!


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